Helen Green
Helen is a freelance illustrator living in Birmingham, UK. She graduated from Birmingham College of Art and Design in 2014 with a First Class Honours degree in Illustration. She focused primarily on portraiture -- often inspired by her favorite music. Back in 2011, she caught the eye of Lady Gaga, one of her favorite artists, leading to projects for Lady Gaga and the Born This Way Foundation. Since then, she has worked with a variety of commercial clients, often in areas such as editing, book covers and merchandise. Helen's ability not only to capture photographic portraits in her portraits, but to somehow radiate personality and life into her subjects is second to none. She works in a range of mixed media and is able to convey themes and fun in all the portraits she creates. Her work has been used by major and prestigious editorial agencies as well as large brand and design clients. Our cooperative customers include: Facebook, BBC, Enterprise Random Publishing, ESPN, Entertainment Weekly, Wired magazine, Warner Music, Daily Telegraph, Guardian, Hollywood Reporter, Island Records, Time, Billboard, Variety, Grammy, Big Issue Magazine, Philadelphia Magazine, New Republic, GQ German Magazine, Barron's, Fortune magazine, USA Nature Conservancy, W Magazine, Esquire, Harper Collins, Sky Art, Volkswagen, Orange Coast, Air Berlin, David Bowie Official, MTV London, TS3 France, Vinyl, Northeastern University, Walla Walla University, Universal Pictures, Universal Music, Tumblr, Elton John AIDS Foundation, ECNMY