Alexander Wells
Alexander Wells is a UK illustrator based in Brighton with a bold, dynamic drawing style and a keen eye for portrait illustrations.He is inspired by science fiction, computer games and pop culture and this translates into vibrant, fun and dramatic illustrations.Alexander is popular for his well-observed portrait illustrations, energetic sports illustrations and eye-catching editorial illustrations.
Clients:ESPN、Wolverhampton Wolves、Random House Publishing、The Observer、Forbes、The Guardian、Esquire、GQ、Variety、Wired、Insight Magazine、The New York Times、The Spectator、Mojo Magazine、Grantland、Running Times、Puffin、Easyjet Traveler、WWE、Fortune、Rolling Stones、Little White Lies、Washington Post、JetBlue、Virgin Atlantic、Triumph、Apple, Sony, Ubisoft, Rolling Stone, Pepsi, Mens Health, The New York Times, Glenfiddich Whiskey, The Guardian, Wired, Entertainment Weekly, Variety, BBC, , Virgin Atlantic, Fortune Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Forbes, Sky.